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MOKKASAMY!Rating : 1/5
Genre : Action/Thriller
The year's most awaited flick is finally in the box office, but how good a movie is it? , seems to be the buzz all around.So , let me clear the air for those buffs out there waiting to know the review before watching the movie
Here is my succinct take on the movie because everything is running in fast-forward pace and 20-20 seems to be the latest adaptation.
Kandasamy is Susi Ganesan's saivitish product of 'Anniyan'.Right from the start , the viewer is taken through a spindle of clichés and one's interest in the movie is taken aback.
In such a high-budget and high-hyped film , poor casting was the last thing anyone would have expected.It contains a strikingly enough number of non-tamil speaking characters whose amateurish dubbing adds up to the slowly growing tumour.
Susi Ganesan's previous flick "Thiruttu Payale" was more than watchable but his latest one is rather a passer.This movie lacks innovation which is very much needed to clear up the drought in tamil cinema at present.
Vadivelu's comedy tracks could have easily been deleted by the editor as it had no link with the story and was rather sleazy.
Shriya is totally useless and her presence in the movie is of 'ZERO' value.
The only thing watchable in the movie is Vikram , who has got both style and substance.But there again , the director hasn't exploited his talents to the full and the protagonist is often seen with the same kind of expressions.
The Director has tried to make an intelligent movie but then he fails because he isn't aware of the fact that the viewers are more intelligent and they can foresee the twists and turns the director has in store.It is because the only sort of diligence in the script comes in the form of treachery and much expected plot twists.
There is no basic storyline , Kandasamy sticks to , and the wretched screen play is just a welcome disgust to the viewer.
So , poor graphics ,doggerel dialogues , lackadaisical choreography and stunt sequences , abysmal comedy track , anniyan nostalgia , unwanted and superfluous runtime and above all a 'suave' agonist make Susi Ganesan's "Kandasamy" a cacophony in the realm of Vikram's existence.
Everyone should rather hope that Vikram chooses a better script and a more proficient team of technicians in the future.
So, please stop watching tamil movies and step into hollywood because there is where the 'real cinema' is although certain marvels keep coming up in tamil cinema which i would bring to your notice now and then.Till then choose hollywood as your destination.
Thank You for reading through my review , i would be highly obliged if each one of you could drop in a comment as everytime someone does it, i get more interested to write the next one.
The following bit of confession might have most of you in astonishment.It is "nothing but" the fact that i have seriously started preparing for GRE.All thanks to my friend.
One might wonder what has that got to do with this article , well it sure has a lot to do with it.
First let me tell you where i study , i am currently pursuing B.Tech (Hons) in Civil Engg from National Institute of Technology ,Jamshedpur.Yeah, you got it right, the hub of english speaking indians.
So, here are a few interesting english sentences along with their pronounciation.
Firstly , most people from Bihar and Jharkhand , muddle up or rather purposefully pronounce 'B' instead of 'V'.
1) vertical is "BHERTICAL"
2) horizontal is "HORIJONTAL"
3) rivet is "RIBET"
4) upstream is "APASTREAM"
5) downstream is "DOWNASTREAM"
6) causes is "CAUJEJ"
7) shallow is "SALLO"
8) shake is "SAKE"
9) message is "MESSAZE"
10) draw is "DRAA"
11) zig-zag movement is "JIG-JAG MOVEMENT"
12) z-z plane is"JED-JED PLANE"
13) problem is "PROLOM"
14) wave pressure is "BABE PRESSURE"
15) Value is "BHALUE"
16) bridge is "BRIZZ"
17) books is "BUSS"
18) width is "BIDTH"
19) zero is "JEERO"
20) design is "DE-JINE"
21) resevoir is "RESERBHOIR"
22) figure is "PHIGAR"
23) village is "BHILLAGE"
24) dissolved is "DIJJOLBED"
25) vary is "BHARY"
26) zone is "JONE"
27) weir is "BIER"
28) shape is "SAPE"
29) should be is "SUD BE"
30) fail is "PHALE"
31) sloughing is "SLOUJING"
32) vehicle is "BEHKLE"
33) body is "BADI"
34) purposes is "PURPOSEJ"
35) size is "SHIZE"
36) ways is "BAJE"
and height of intelligence from an erudite persona is "DI-FARGE" instead of diaphragm
some very interesting sentences
1) All books are better
2) horizontal ones are columns and vertical ones are rows
3) I am agree
4) Center is at the middle
and the pick of the lot is "SAKE IT WITH THE SEKAR"
So, listening to such wonderful and innovative pronounciations will definitely help me clear GRE with a comfortable score of 1550+ and MIT would probably offer me a 100% fee waiver.
But not all people hailing from this state are the same ,there are a few exceptions just like some of the girls in my college, then a guy named Vikash Jha whom i seriously adore for his intellectual yet humorous thoughts and the way he brings it out of his mind.
Then came this guy from T.I.M.E , Mr.Sajal Mitra whose hometown is Ranchi.I happened to meet him at my first class for CAT '10 which i hope not to clear , and by the very few words he spoke before the class commenced made me just gaze at his proficiency in english.After 3 hours of class which passed without me getting bored and not checking the time, i didn't have any words to appreciate him satisfactorily.
He stands apart from the crowd and he will definitely have a place inside me in the years to come.I call him a 'living legend'.I mean,a person having completed CA, MA and MBA should have been somewhere building a new home just for keeping his money but he isn't there, he is now a course director in T.I.M.E Calcutta and a lecturer for verbal ability.
I'm very glad that i came to know him and hope that he takes classes frequently for us.
Thanks for reading through this article, this should probably be the 2nd one which is not movie-based , and feel free to pour in critical comments.