I and lot of you people would have expected this summer to be a great treat for movie lovers with a huge line up of releases.Now that the summer is almost over (atleast not in Chennai where summer is the only weather existent) , lets see how the movies have impacted me.
First let me give you the let downs , personally quoted as 'Pricks' of the summer :
(starting from 'OK' to 'WORSE')

4. Kambakkht Ishq (Rating : 2/5) : A serious waste of time and money, better to avoid.But one thing ,i felt this movie was better than PKS.

3. Angels and Demons (Rating : 1/5) : The let-down of the year.Seriously disappointing.

1. ShortKut (Rating 0.5/5) : As a behindwoods reviewer perfectly quoted : 'Pick your shortcut out of theatres'
Ah, well now the let downs are finished , it is time for top 5 of the 'Good' Ones.
(Starting from 'OK' to 'BEST')

4. Ice Age 3 : Dawn of the Dinosaurs (Rating 2.5/5) : Nothing much except for childish comedy and the excellent 3-D experience.

3. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (Rating 2.5/5) : Masala and Magic in unequal proportions.

2. Transformers 2 : Revenge Of The Fallen (Rating 3.5/5) : Brilliant and Entertaining!

1. Star Trek (Rating 4/5) : Greatest space odyssey ever!
So , i hope most of you would agree with me on this.Anyways for people who don't drop in your comments and open up your thoughts.
As for now, my blog will be dormant for few months unless i watch a spectacular movie or there is some 'hot' topic that i feel free to write about.Till then keep giving me suggestions to improve or things to write on.
Thank You!
Happy Reading!
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